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Chinese Cuisine - Pagoda


"The Sauce of Good Fortune"
Pagoda's range of sauces and pastes are the key ingredients to many Chinese dishes.

Pagoda Black Bean Paste

Pagoda's Black Bean Paste is made from dried, fermented soybeans, which turn a dark brownish-black during the curing process. The flavor is sharp, pungent, and spicy in smell, with a taste that is salty and somewhat bitter and sweet. It is used in a variety of dishes, from fillings in cakes such as mooncakes to making black bean sauce.

Pagoda Black Bean Sauce

Pagoda Black Bean Sauce is made from fermented black beans and has a unique spicy, tangy and salty flavour. Pagoda Black Bean Sauce does not require further cooking, it just needs to be heated through. A popular use of Pagoda Black Bean Sauce is in stir-fries when added to the wok in the final stages of cooking. It can also be used as a marinade and rubbed over meat or seafood prior to grilling and vegetables or fish can be simmered in black bean sauce after browning. It's no surprise that the wonderful and versatile flavour of Pagoda Black Bean Sauce is a must in so many dishes!

Pagoda Oyster Sauce

Made from selected oyster extracts, Pagoda Oyster Sauce has a robust flavour and a rich colour which makes it an ideal all-purpose sauce for marinating or stir-frying. Pagoda Oyster Sauce is smooth, dark brown, free flowing moderately thick sauce with a fine bouquet.

Pagoda Mushroom Vegetarian Oyster Sauce

Pagoda Mushroom Vegetarian Oyster Sauce instantly improves the flavour of all savoury dishes, vegetables, soups and gravies. Pagoda Mushroom Vegetarian Oyster Sauce has a rich, deep, earthly flavour made from mushrooms which is similar to the flavour of real oysters. This is a tasty alternative for vegetarians who want authentic Asian stir-fry but don't want oysters in their sauce.

Pagoda Mushroom Sauce

Pagoda Mushroom Sauce is a dark soy sauce that is infused with mushrooms. It's used in place of dark soy sauce to add an earthy flavor to dishes, and also as a table condiment. Pagoda Mushroom Sauce is best when used to slow cook or red cook any kind of meats as it adds an intense dark colour and aged flavour.

Pagoda Soy Sauce Dark

Pagoda Soy Sauce Dark is darker then light soy sauce, with a richer, sweeter flavour. It adds delicious flavour and enhances the colour of a dish. Pagoda Soy Sauce Dark is a versatile soy and is used in stir-fry sauces, marinades, soups, dipping sauces and on the BBQ.

Pagoda Soy Sauce Light

Pagoda Soy Sauce Light is the most commonly used type of soy sauce in Chinese cooking. It is used in stir-fry sauces, marinades, soups, dipping sauces and on the BBQ. Pagoda Soy Sauce Light is an excellent marinade and has a tenderizing effect on beef, lamb and chicken.